Saturday, February 16, 2008

BLOG. . .what is it good for? (for Seinfeld fans – “absolutely nothing”, just like war)

During the course of a day hundreds of events and observations occur. Some pass with little notice and others command attention. Some things you share with others and some you wish you could share. Some thoughts you keep to yourself and some you share with others. Blogging is a way of sharing thoughts and ideas with many people. There is mystery and a sense of thrill that someone you have no connection with at all might just bump into your blog and find it entertaining in some way. Out of a sense that we have something of value to share, one more blog is born.

After forswearing personal involvement in the trend, other than blog stalking, the decision has been made tot join. So here begins the journey of NAME WITHELD a blog of anonymity. Let's see where it will take us, and where we will take you.